Thursday, October 24, 2013

Books On Line

We would like to announce that we finally have our book list on line at our site (at ) with images, brief blurbs and 'buy' buttons. All eight current titles are up --- more to come, of course!

More information on Arachis Press, including submission standards and the like, should appear soon-ish, both at the site and here. Plans for our new magazine, too.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

EPUB Delay

Just a mention that the epub version of THE SONG OF THE SWORD will be delayed a bit before appearing at various outlets around the internet (Barnes and Noble, etc). It is available, however, from our own store.

There was a glitch in attaching the 'cover' to the text, which was apparently no fault of ours, though we should have noticed it in our downloaded 'proof' copy. Anyway, we have revised and republished and the new version appears to be properly done so we expect it to show up everywhere soon.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Song of the Sword Official Release

Today is the official release of THE SONG OF THE SWORD, the fantasy novel by Stephen Brooke and the first book of the Donzalo's Destiny series. Now available in print, epub and PDF at our 'spotlight' store, and ready for your seasonal shopping!

The epub version is also available through Barnes & Noble and Apple. Incidentally, we do NOT do Kindle and generally try to avoid dealing with Amazon altogether.

Also, we have taken care of a few small problems that arose in the printing of the poetry chapbook, RETELLINGS, so the print version is ready to order.