Friday, November 25, 2011

Dreamwinds Sample

With the Thanksgiving holiday past, we have taken down the short story, 'A Tale of Two Turkeys' (although it is still available as a free epub download at our Spotlight and the ibookstore) and posted a poem from 'Dreamwinds' on our Sampler page. We hope that if you enjoy it, you will consider purchasing the chapbook.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dreamwinds Release

The latest tile from Arachis Press is now officially released. 'Dreamwinds,' a new chapbook of poetry by Stephen Brooke, with the author's pen & ink illustrations, contains some of his more fantastic and Romantic poems.

68 pages, saddle-stitch bound, available in print, PDf and epub formats. And quite reasonably priced, of course. Visit our spotlight for more:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dreamwinds Cover

Here's a more-or-less finished version of the cover for the Dreamwinds poetry chapbook. Our original cover art has migrated to the back!

We still hope to have the book ready by the end of this month...or, at any rate, by our original scheduled release date at the end of the year. I've finished off what seems to be a workable source version for an EPUB edition; the print and PDF versions are in the works. Ideally, all will be released around the same time.

Dreamwinds is a collection of Stephen Brooke's more fantasy/romance-oriented poems.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Thanksgiving Story

We have added a page, as we get this blog-site into operation, called 'Sampler.' Writing samples, mostly from our titles, will appear there.

The first offering is a short story, 'A Tale of Two Turkeys,' which is closely related to a chapter from our YA Novel, 'The Middle of Nowhere.' The story is also available as a free epub download at:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Beginning

I've started this blog as, most likely, an adjunct to the Arachis Press site, a place to post our publishing news. There is however a chance it will become the site itself. We shall see how that plays out.

In the meantime, welcome!